Sunday, May 23, 2010

Breathing Underwater

Unrelenting tsunami,
Sweeping in, encroaching
Slowly rising,
From a cleverly disguised fault in the sea.
Silently building, until you were.
A violent wave pounding,
And batter in the door.
Oh you trickster, who swept back leaving,
Wreckage all over the floor.
I thought at least, you left me dry.
But a second wave, a second onslaught
And you caught me up.
You cannot be outrun,
But I fled in hopes of a miracle
There was no high ground
I am on a flat plain, at your mercy.
Defeated I fell
To your power I surrendered
For I knew God would not part the waters this time,
And as you swept over me
I watched the banana leaves,
Swaying peacefully in the breeze,
Under a carpet of stars.
Is this my last sight?
Lord let me live!
He did not let me down.
The Lord gave me air
He did not let me drown.
Slowly you retreated,
And I retraced my steps,
There were no more waves
But the ripples you cast,
Continue to ripple through my life.
Across the oceans, over many seas,
They reach wherever I am.
And though you have long since passed,
Your damage still remains
I still wonder sometimes if I can breathe
Still I fear a new pursuit
But slowly fears too shall dissolve
Until they are evaporated by the son
And sometimes
I can even thank God
That he let me weather the storm
Because I never before,
Experienced breathing underwater. [09/07/09]

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