I rushed down the corridors of my mind
Jostling with the thoughts that crowded there.
It bothered me; there was no space inside -
All the doors were wide-open tasks - spilling into one another
I tripped on a loose end of next week’s baggage.
Taking a step to steady myself,
I stumbled on Thursday, all tangled up with next Friday night.
My shoulders ached, strange, until a glance behind,
Revealed sitting on my back, a months worth of track - - ahead.
All the precious tasks I had, were cradled in my head.
I was holding them too close to hand,
Pressing unconsciously on my lungs,
No room to - breathe.
Other doors were barred or taped shut in other ways
Afraid to get lost, fall into another task,
I hurried on.
At the end of the corridor, was a big wooden door,
Smooth and polished, soft, with brown appealing wood,
But dust had settled underfoot.
I chose to turn the handle, and the webs all fell away
The door swung wide; she took a step
Bright warmth, like love seeping slowly into skin
A breeze tickling her hair, to dance around her face
Eyes awake now to colours long ignored
Green, vivid and lush, beckons her eyes
Undergrowth rustles. Birds are singing here.
Lyrical voices celebrating in time and space.
Boughs of old trees, with a beauty many years in the making,
Weave together down an old avenue.
And if you peak carefully at the boughs,
In the background lie, tiny doors all around.
Woven by unhurried fingers into the heart of trees
Here in the passage of the moment
Tomorrow is kept at bay,
The avenue is wide with space, open for the mind to breathe,
A stream bubbles past, giggling at the sunshine in glee
Bare feet wade onto a sandy creek bed, slowly drawn down today
Looking up in sheer delight, my heart bespoke a wish
On a hook not far away, appeared a map of my fourth day
And I am light, as I float in the stillness of today.
It was an act of worship.
Mathew 6:34
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