Sunday, February 20, 2011

Missing Presence

The ache, I am in a murky river,
Afraid to reach my toes to the bottom,
Scared of what might be underneath

Emotions deeper than I can feel
A well of limitless, ill-timed tears
Healing, not confined to the shallows

My lungs have heavy weights upon them,
Easier to stop exhaling
Because then I wont have breathe in – light-headed

Memories spill onto the pages of my mind
Colourful treasures and regrets
But they never made it to the photo frames

Silence ensues, behind a one-way tapping
A tumbleweed, rolling across an unfinished scene,
A horrific painting, of my greatest fear.

I lost someone.
I don’t know if he’ll find me.


  1. I love this it is beautiful. and why won't you tell me who it is about? ha ha ha. I think I know who it is about but I could be wrong.

  2. Oh it's beautiful. The first stanza takes away solid footing, and's a tenuous feeling of loss, it's fantastic.

  3. I love it stephy, I felt an image of being scared to feel the deepest of those feelings deep down, which I know all too well. brilliant words =)
